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Carvajal, Kelly Johana . Rigol R., María Cristina López L., María Catherine

El Perfil del Contador Público en el siglo XXI. / Kelly Johana Carvajal; María Catherine López L.; María Cristina Rigol R.; John Fredy Castro Álvarez [Asesor] - 2018 - 86 p. Tablas; Gráficas. [archivo de computador]

This is a monograph made about the Profile of the Public Accountant of the 21st century, was made in order to know the expectations and needs of entrepreneurs in relation to the profile of today's accountant.
The teaching of the profession of public accounting by the universities of the metropolitan area was investigated, taking into account the subjects studied, the intensity of the hours, the cost of the semester, among others.
It was concluded that the Public Accounting professional should be an integral person who should not focus on a specific profile, should have extensive knowledge in all areas of the company as entrepreneurs and shareholders rely on such knowledge for the decision making.
There must be a fairly broad focus on ethics, professionalism, loyalty and honesty when it comes to acquiring responsibilities with a company.

Perfil profesional
Contador Público --siglo XXI
Contaduría Pública--Colombia


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